Monday, December 05, 2005

Questions From Sunday 4th December

Current Affairs

Which Boy band revealed last week that they were re-forming for gigs in 2006?
How old was George Best when he died?
Which one of Ken Livingstone’s political allies resigned last week?
How many Premiership clubs have lost their managers so far this season?
What is the name of the new Microsoft games console, to be launched in Europe on Friday?
In which city in Pakistan is the 3rd cricket test being played?
Which song about a vehicle is one of the bookies favourites to be the Christmas No. 1?
Who is the new Chancellor of Germany?
What is Roy Keane’s middle name?
Boris Johnson, Peter Stringfellow, and Bruce Oldfield all paid £300 to have dinner with someone last week – but what was the event?


The invention of what led to rioting by luddites in the UK in 1776?
Taxation of what led to 5 days of rioting in Bavaria in 1844?
Which sport was the focus of the Sydney riot of 1879?
The beating of which motorist led to the LA riots of 1992?
Whose statue was given a new hair style in the May Day riots of 2000?

Where in the world

Which country has the highest number of active volcanoes?
Which country has the world’s largest mosque?
In which country was Lego created?
Which country used to be known as Abyssinia?
Sofia is the capital city of which Country?

General Knowledge

How much does a second class stamp cost?
What is the chemical symbol for silver?
The drug aspirin originally came from the bark of which tree?
Which of Shakespeare’s plays features the character Malvolio?
Which football club has the initials GTFC?
On what street in Clapham is the restaurant El Rincon Latino?
Which English town is most southerly out of Market Raisen, Market Harborough or Downham Market?
What does the washing label of a triangle with a cross over it mean?
What shape is the pasta the Italians call Farfalle?
Which comic book hero was created in 1938 by Jerry Seigel and Joe Schuster?

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